It’s time for another retro review with this being the 10thanniversary of TNA ‘Turning Point’. With the company at the time the name of the show was fitting with the company looking to become bigger with the introduction of Hulk Hogan to TNA with Hogan promising that “The future of Wrestling is with TNA”. With the company now known as Impact finding a new channel with AXS and continuing it’s rise from the past two years I thought it would be fitting to take a look at where the company was in 2009. The two main matches on this show are Kurt Angle vs Desmond Wolfe, (Nigel McGuinness), and a rematch from Unbreakable 2005 for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with AJ Styles defending against the ‘Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels and the ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ Samoa Joe.
The opening video package focused on “Change” and for TNA to “Take this to another level” with the introduction of Hulk Hogan. The matches focused on were the triple threat World Heavyweight Championship match, Angle vs Wolfe and Team 3D vs Morgan, Hernandez and Dinero.
X-Division Championship
Amazing Red (C) w/ Don West vs Homicide
The standard opening for TNA with the X-Division kicking off the show with the focus on the ‘No limits’ aspect by Mike Tenay with both Tenay and Taz giving Homicide the credibility as number one contender after defeating Red in a non Title match. The crowd started the match in compete favour of the Champion chanting “He’s amazing” before Red connected with a headscissors on the outside. This fast pace would be put to a halt with a massive clothesline from Homicide with the X Division Champion having to connect with an enziguri to again be halted by a tilt a whirl backbreaker. This led to a period of domination by Homicide with the former LAX member biting and nearly forcing a tap out with a modified STF until a tornado DDT and jumping flatliner got a two. The finish saw Homicide come close with the Bronx bomber before a Gringo killer attempt by the challenger led to a cutter out of nowhere for a late two. This resilience proved vital for Red who hit a ‘Code Red’ out of nowhere to retain the Championship.
Mike Tenay and Taz promote the rest of the show with Angle vs Wolfe and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship being the main focus.
All the Knockouts Titles on the line
ODB, Taylor Wilde and Sarita (C) vs The Beautiful People
The build-up to this match was one of payback with the Beautiful People taking out both the Knockout Tag Team Champions as well as Knockout Champion ODB with the Champions looking for revenge but having to put the gold on the line. Velvet Sky and Wilde started the match with the Knockout Tag Team Champions starting the match well before ODB delivered a diving headbutt. The Beautiful People’s weakness would be themselves as everytime they would gain an advantage they’d taunt only keeping the advantage following an illegal interference by Lacey Von Erich. The challengers took control of Wilde with a double Russian leg sweep followed by a low drop kick. Taylor Wilde would be able to make the tag following a penalty kick bringing in Knockouts Champion ODB who cleaned house. Following a brawl ODB was able to hit a TKO on Madison Rayne to retain the good for herself and the Knockouts Tag Team Champions.
Jeremy Borash interviews Desmond Wolfe who focuses on how his feud with Angle “Started with a handshake before I gave him a punch” and that Angle will never forget his name.
TNA Tag Team Championships
British Invasion (C) vs MCMG vs Beer Money
Looking at the present this match when looking at the teams involved has a ‘Which one of these is unlike the other?’ aspectwith that team being the Champions! British Invasion won the Championships at Bound for Glory the month prior with MCMG earning the Title shot and former Champions Beer Money being given the shot the prior Thursday from TNA management with British Invasion avoiding the duo. Williams and Storm started the match with the ‘Cowboy’ taking control until Alex Shelley was tagged in. Roode and Shelley would go back and forth with the Canadian taking control until a Sabin penalty kick on the outside giving the Detroit natives an advantage. This match remained fast pace throughout with MCMG in control taking out both Williams and Magnus coming close to winning the gold for the first time. The focus of the match moved to taking out the Champions with Magnus dragged into Williams crotch area before close falls by boy challengers. The finish saw TNA Global Champion Eric Young of the World Elite get involved and following Kevin Nash attack Storm the British Invasion hit an elevated spinning uppercut to retain the Championships.
Video package shown from Impact of a returning Raven with Dr Stevie attacking Mick Foley with a fireball.
Jeremy Borash interviews Kevin Nash over his actions costing Beer Money the Tag titles. Nash tells Borash that “Hulk knows” and all will be explained on Thursday.
Tara vs Awesome Kong – Steel Cage match
This match gets a promo package before starting with Tara wanting to “Be the best” and taking on the most dangerous knockout to prove it. The match starts with Tara and Kong delivering blows to each other before Tara targeted the right arm on the cage after a missed back fist which turned into a electric chair. Both Knockouts put each other to their limits with Kong connecting with a missile dropkick before a face smash into the cage. Awesome Kong would keep toying with Tara with the Underdog in the match able to gain momentum with a superkick and targeting the legs getting a two count following a standing moonsault. Tara came close to winning with a powerbomb out of the corner before a huge Lou Theszpress off the top of six sides of steel got Tara the huge win.
Post-match, Tara claims that she accomplished defeating Awesome Kong and that she’s gunning for ODB next.
Partnership video of Hogan signing with TNA shown, retrospectively you can see all the issues clearly but at the time this was absolutely massive with TNA swinging against the fences.
Team 3D vs Matt Morgan, Hernandez and D’Angelo Dinero
Despite the name of Team 3D this team includes Rhino instead of Spike Dudley which makes it more extreme, this matchup was made the Impact prior to Turning Point. The focus of this match was if Morgan, Super Mex and Dinero could co-exist. Dinero ‘The Pope’ took control early on forcing Brother Ray to the outside before the legendary Tag Team member fired back with chops in the corner and a sit out powerbomb. Team 3D were back under pressure when the ‘Blue Print’ Matt Morgan took control with a big discus clothesline leading to a brawl which Team 3D took control of. The beatdown of Dinero lasted for an extended period with 3D in complete control leading the Impact zone to chant “Rhino sucks” until Ray missed a second rope senton and Morgan was tagged in. Morgan controlled the match before tagging in Hernandez for a slingshot clothesline and suicide dive. The finish saw Brother Devon use a steel chair on Hernandez whist Brother Ray distracted the referee. This led to a Gore and win for Team 3D.
Scott Steiner is interviewed over “Stalking” Bobby Lashley’s wife Krystal. Steiner claimed that Bobby Lashley’s muscles were “All show and no go” and that “Big Booty Daddy” can go claiming Krystal Lashley will be a big winner.
Scott Steiner vs Bobby Lashley – Special Challenge
Promo package is shown with Lashley beating up Steiner backstage after Steiner kidnapped Krystal as well as a hotel attack with a pipe, (Wrestling legality!). The match starts before the bell even rang with Lashley throwing Steiner around the Impact zone before shoulder tackles into the corner laying out ‘Big Poppa Pump’. Bobby Lashley followed this up with a clothesline to the outside before Steiner hit a legal low blow for a two count, (Legal in falls count anywhere), before using a steel chair. Scott Steiner began dominating the match with a side belly to belly followed by an overhead belly to belly. Steiner even connected with a frankensteiner for another two before Lashley gorilla pressed Steiner onto the ropes. The two brawled around the Impact zone again and backstage with Steiner now bloodied. Lashley suplexedSteiner through a table before the two went up into scaffolding where Lashley would be striked by a piece of scaffolding giving Steiner the win.
Post-match, Lashley gets to his feet on his own and walks to the back angry.
Jeremy Borash interviews Kurt Angle who tells Desmond Wolfe he’s living off “Prison yard rules” and “That noone makes a rep on me”.
Kurt Angle vs Desmond Wolfe
Promo package is shown of Wolfe attacking Kurt Angle including a prior match which Angle was sent backstage on a stretcher with a focus on the neck of Angle. The match started off on a technical front with both getting advantages over each other but the fans 100% behind Angle. Wolfe followed going toe to toe with Angle technically by attacking him in the corner before the Olympic Gold Medallist regained advantage. Wolfe kept focus on the right arm delivering an overhead toss and using the knee to first attack the knee before bridging to stretch. Angle after a period of being dominated was able to connect with an overhead belly to belly before being able to connect with six German suplexes with a gutwrench grasp before an Angle slam attempt failed with a clothesline. The former TNA grand slam Champion came close to winning with an Angle slam before Wolfe and Angle countered a Key lock with an Ankle lock twice with Desmond Wolfe reaching the ropes. Finish saw the two competitors fail to beat each other with Wolfe’s Tower of London garnering a two and Angle’s frog splash also only getting a two. Finish saw Angle counter a Tombstone attempt into a Ankle lock before transitioning into an armbar and side triangle choke for the win.
Jeremy Borash interviews Samoa Joe who when asked if he split up the friendship of AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels Joe claims that “He’s just shown the truth” and that “Noone has sent those two to the hospital more than me”.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
AJ Styles (C) vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe
Promo package is shown involving Unbreakable 2005 and the manipulation of Samoa Joe to stir the pot between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion being attacked in the shadows twice. All three are shown walking into the entrance area giving the match an even bigger feeling. The match starts with all three going for each other from the get go with Samoa Joe taking control following the CCS Enziguri. Styles attempted an early win with the victory roll on Daniels but the challenger kicked out before taking a dropkick. Noone early on in the match was able to take control of the match early on with AJ being the most consistent but Joe the most dominant. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion looked in control with an inverted Indian deathlock before Daniels involvement put the ‘Fallen Angel’ in control with a double submission attempt. One cool moment of this match saw Joe penalty kick AJ off the apron to be taken out by a Daniels dive, this would change into Joe applying a Coquina Clutch on Daniels for AJ to hit a ‘Fosbury flop’. Throughout this whole match noone could keep a long period of momentum with Samoa Joe coming the closest with a powerbomb taking out the other two competitors before multiple submission attempts. All three competitors took each other out with massive strikes with AJ getting the last strike with a péle kick. Daniels very nearly win the Championship with a ‘Last Rights’ before Joe connected with a Musclebuster which AJ broke the count of. The finish saw Daniels connect with the Best Moonsault Ever but be unable to capitalise due to an AJ 450 giving AJ the chance to pin Joe and retain the Championship.
Overall, Turning Point 2009 was a really enjoyable TNA PPV which would comfortably fit in to today’s wrestling and not look out of place. If there is anything to recommend from this show it would be the two last matches showing either a technical wrestling match or the personification of ‘Modern wrestling’. The only issue would be the length the Women got on this show, (13 minutes), but two matches back in 2009 for a non major PPV was very impressive for the time.